Whenever we talk or conceptualise the very idea of having or achieving a relationship with anything of this universe in our minds/lives, we come across with the idea of love & related issues. Now, I am going to discuss not on this vast topic instead I am willing to explain the actual, difficult to achieve & the most sensitive form of love that is the pure love, while considering at the same time with its issues & function throughout the daily lives’ routines of human beings!
When you raise queries or even start to think regarding such kinds of topics or simply emotional words, you will find it very hard to get the real meaning or explanation for them at first. Love, in a general sense, can be taken into consideration in different forms from aesthetical to the spiritual perspective but, in the end, we find that it is something that can only be described in the form of experience & sensation more plausibly. Also, if you manage to compile up all the personal experiences, all the peoples’ general opinions & formed philosophical & scientific notions about the subject, you will discover a bit difference between different structural, phenomenal, linguistic & moral conclusions of your information & you will find it very absurd to a assert a general code of definition for the particular subject or word in the conscious world of people with different tastes of perceptions.
Now, what is the real meaning of love or more simply, what is love? How one can identify the contrast between the true love & the general love? One would say that it is a feeling inside your mind that has nothing to do when it comes to the biological system of humans having animals’ traits as it is the only way of fulfilling our animalistic urges that are genetically built-in our bodies & the other would say that it has a meaning deep inside your subconscious mind that will lead you towards the pure spiritual world of affairs & to find that meaning, you have to experience it first & then improve it through the course of life & time! At this moment, they both would be considered right & wrong but, in different contexts. We are not here in a position to judge them correctly but, we can find a way to convince ourselves that what it is all about!
Let us consider & suppose here an example, for a moment that there is an ultimate wish a person has in his mind that might be biased by his conscious or physical phenomena or may be not but, according to him, that would fill his soul’s empty spaces & this wished thing is the most beautiful thing of the world. He is willing & tries to do whatever he can to get that thing even if he has to cross the general limitations of the universe. And one day, he finally got his wish fulfilled & his quest for that thing diminishes finally. Wherever he goes, whatever he does he takes that thing with him & always tries to provide that thing the greater care, the greater happiness & its basic requirements/needs etc. In other words, he has made that thing, in an abstract way, the part of his life, the part of his body & the part of his self-existence.
Here by assuming such a condition or a state of mind of a person, many questions would arise such as: if he/she has made that thing his/her intellectual or physical part in a true possible way, would he or other people would call them as ‘One’? Would they both be able to depict the same positive & negative attributes & requirements to the general society of humans without incorporating the intuitive & reflective reasoning or thinking aspects? Will that person ever do anything morally or aesthetically wrong with that thing as a matter of human beings’ predisposed desires & needs to be fulfilled? The list of questions can go on & on but, in the end, we will not be able to extract the exact answer for this feeling but to start thinking more positively in that direction!
Anyhow, consider the last question about the predisposed basic desires or wishes of the human beings. Let us again assume that the supposed person had made a kind of a strong relationship in which pure love (aesthetically) is indulged with that thing & now he is making that relationship even more reflective & stronger. As a social animal, he would have certain animalistic desires that should be fulfilled in order to remain in the realm of existence which can include hunger, thirst & even lust etc. Can he imagine for a little while that he was & still now able to fulfil his desires or lust with that thing - which can be a woman or a friend or anything - & such a phenomenon is also morally & ethically accepted by every society of peoples; as this would be the wonderful way of living a pleasurable life?
The answer to the above question would be ‘No’ because he has not developed a relationship with that thing just for the purpose of pleasing himself or anyone else or just for the cause of requirement of his instinct instead he actually developed a true or a pure kind of love relationship form that cannot be deviated by such ugly perspectives of common life. Historically, Plato’s symposium explains in a touching way that the love is characterised by elevations, in which animalistic desire is superseded by more intellectual conception of love which is again surpassed by a theologian vision that transcends sensual attraction & mutuality. Or to put it in Aristotle’s view, two bodies with one soul: the true definition of even a true & an efficient love.
But, to achieve such kind of state in which you have to suppress your own self in order to accept other self is far more complex & difficult to act upon than to think. It is very easy to read/view such concepts in poetry or literature than when it comes in practical life, where you have to expect nothing in return but to give. As to do so, you have to choose a balanced path between your abstract mental capabilities’ possibilities & your natural existential desires or in other words, one must live a life in a controlled perspective for something creative to be achieved & this again directs us to the concept of Nietzsche’s idea of Superhuman or even to the Gautama’s practises somehow!
In the end, humans have played around with different words in different style of aspects just to remain in the mysterious state of scepticism but, that hasn’t changed their exact sense & to attain any form of state of mind that is pure, you have to analyse the things first innate yourself. Also, to expect everyone’s sense of everything as pure or complete is a faulty way of saying that my life is pure as I think so!
(References can be provided upon request!)
Written & Conceptualised by Junaid Jabbar